About Us
SaraJen Cattery is located in Arlington, Virginia. Founded in 1989 in Westborough, Massachusetts, we are in Northern Virginia since 1993.
Our intent is to raise healthy, large, beautiful, well-socialized and “typey” kittens. We want our kittens to become winners in the show hall or beloved pet companions — or both!
Our cattery is clean, well-maintained and cat friendly. We voluntarily comply with TICA’s Responsible Breeder Program. We are also proud to be Cat Kingpin Certified

SaraJen Cats & Kittens
Our kittens are raised in our home and are handled and played with daily. All litters receive the proper inoculations and are examined by our veterinarian prior to going to their new homes. We guarantee our kittens are FeLV and FIV negative, and are in sound health when they leave our home. All of our breeding adults are guaranteed genetically clear for the primary gene involved in early onset heart disease in cats. They are also regularly screened via sonogram by a board certified cardiologist to verify fitness to continue in our breeding program.
Kittens are allowed to go to their new homes after they are twelve weeks old. Read more about acquiring a SaraJen kitten here.
While we strive to produce gorgeous show quality kittens, we have beautiful pet companion kittens available as well from most of our litters.
Periodically, we have older (over one year of age) retired show/breeder adults available for adoption. These cats are all spayed/neutered prior to leaving.
What Our Cats & Kittens Look Like
We tend to produce brown and red tabbies and torbies (tortoiseshell tabbies or patch tabbies), with or without white markings. Depending on what breeding stock we are working with at any given time we may also have solid blacks, black and white bi-colors, silver tabbies and tortoiseshells.
Our adult Maine Coons are very much what you would expect with this breed: an average of 18-24 pounds for full-grown males and 12-18 pounds for full-grown females. Size is prized in this breed, but in our opinion sheer “poundage” should not be the key attribute considered when adding a Maine Coon to your family. Overall size should be a product of sturdy boning and solid musculature. What really sets this breed apart, however, is the Maine Coon temperament. They are generally very good-natured, friendly, loving, rather goofy at times, intelligent, sociable and gentle.
Please explore us here online to see our breeding stock. We think you’ll agree that these cats have a striking and majestic beauty. You may also want to check out the pictures of our recent litters and kitten gallery to see how these “gentle giants” start out. In our not-so-humble and slightly prejudiced opinion, there is nothing cuter than Maine Coon kittens. Period. More candid photos are continuously available on our SaraJen FaceBook companion site.

Finding Maine Coon Cats & Kittens
There are numerous Maine Coon Cat breeders in the United States and Canada. Most are dedicated to the preservation and protection of this wonderful breed. At SaraJen we welcome your inquiries about pet companions or show quality kittens or cats. Many of our pet kittens reside locally in the Mid-Atlantic region, but we have pets and show cats placed around the world. It’s best for prospective owners to physically visit the cattery before purchasing a kitten, to be comfortable with the way the cats are maintained and how the kittens are raised. So we urge anyone looking for a pet kitten to check with their local Maine Coon breeders first.
We are proud of our Maine Coons and our cattery and would be happy to have you visit if you are considering a Maine Coon companion. (Preliminary visits may be unavailable during the covid-19 pandemic.) Serious inquiries are welcome from responsible pet owners who will:
- Keep their kittens and cats safely indoors protected from harm and undue stress
- Provide regular veterinary care
- Not declaw their kittens
- Agree to spay or neuter their kittens at an appropriate age.
More Info on Maine Coons
An excellent source of information is the Maine Coon breed description on the website of The International Cat Association – Maine Coons At a Glance. Similarly, the Cat Fancier’s Association has a good overview of the breed on their site – About the Maine Coon Cat.
Visiting / Contacting Us